1. Clean off the glasses with a household wipe (mine were generic grocery store brand).
2. Once clean, turn glasses upside down and start painting from the stem towards the rim of the glass (not too far up, leave at least 1/4" from the rim of the glass), with paint thicker at the bottom and fading off toward the top. Note: the sponge idea from Something Turquoise probably would work better in avoiding the left over clear coat of paint, and the paintbrush only made it more prominant.
3. Let coat sit for one hour, and continue painting on coats as you see fit (I used quite a bit).
4. To cure the paint, place painted glasses on baking sheet and place in cool oven. With glasses in oven, preheat oven to 350 degrees and set time for 30 minutes. At the end of the 30 minutes, turn off oven and leave glasses in oven to cool (The glass doesn't crack, because they heat up as the oven heats up). Wait at least 72 hours to drink out of your glasses.
5. Enjoy!
Final Product! |
The oven curing method works fantastic! None of the glitter even rubbed off to my hand when I touched it. I have yet to try dish washing or even hand washing them, but when my friend does, I shall update how they came out. Something Turquoise gives several ideas on painting the glasses, I may try the monogramming my others.
Products used: Martha Stewart Glitter Craft Paint in Bubble Gum, Costco's party pack of wine glasses (good deal! I got a dozen for $14)
Would love to hear other ideas with this project and see others results!
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